Widely seen on backpacks and other carriage equipment , plastic / polyacetal buckles are some of the most popular accessories seen on backpacks. While we cant currently compete with our western counterparts for the type and variety of buckles available in India we have identified and continue to work closely with a variety of manufacturers to constantly improve on the quality and utility of buckles that we use.
The two industries that constantly require high quality metal based buckles and adjusters are the Parachute/ Climbing industry. These buckles are rated to handle loads much higher than what is reasonably expected from jumping out of an aircraft or falling off a rock simply because a life is on the line . We’ve gone and incorporated a variety of parachute and climbing grade buckles and adjusters into our products that can handle weights in excess of 1000Kgs(1.10 Tons). We like to believe that “Overkill is Underrated” although our products may never have to handle those kinds of weight stresses.
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